Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sock Monkey Mania!!

I love Sock Monkey's!  They are fun  and easy to make.  Here is a step by step tutorial following my making of a sock monkey.
Supplies needed:

(Stuffing, socks, buttons, heavy thread or embroidery thread, scissors, needles, sewing machine, patience)

  • First, you will need a pair of socks.  They need to be mid calf length, (or longer).  I have found that the heavier winter socks work best for the sock monkey.  (There are websites were you can order the "original" sock monkey sock- they are pricey though- so I stuck with socks purchased from Marshall's).
  • Turn both socks in-side-out.
  • flatten one sock out, with heel down.
  • draw a line, i use sewing chalk, down the center of the sock - drawing away from the heel all of the way to the toe. Start the line about 1" away from the heel.

  • Sew down both sides of the line and connect the stitching at the top of the line (making a "U" shape).  I use the presser foot as a measure for the perfect seam.
  • This is what it will look like after you have sewn both sides of the line.

  • Cut down the center on the line.

  •  Flip the sock right-side-out. Stuff the legs and body.

  • Find the area where you would like your neck to be.
  • With the heavy thread, stitch around the neck area 1/4" spacing all of the way around the body.
  • When finished, pull both ends of the thread tightly and then knot the ends together making a neck.

  •   Now finish  the top of the head.  
  •   There are several ways to close it up. In the pictures I have chosen to leave a "crest or "crown" on my monkey. 
  • Gather the top of the sock up using the same 1/4" stitching as before. 

  •   After cinching the head, stitch closed the left over sock top.  (If making a rounded head, just stuff the head all of the way, cutting off any extra sock, and stitch the sock top flat and round.)

  •  Take the other sock and flatten it, folded in half. 
  • With the sewing chalk, draw your arms, ears, mouth, and tail on the sock.  (on the picture below I mislabeled the arms as "legs"- but, they are ARMS!)

  •  Cut the ears and mouth out of the sock, set them aside. 
  • Using the same guidelines as with the legs, sew around the line for the tail and arms. 
  • Cut them out. 
  • Flip them right side out and stuff them.

  •  Ears: Fold the ear pieces in 1/2 with wrong sides touching. 
  • Begin to sew them shut, leaving a small area open to stuff. 
  • Once stuffed, sew shut and attach to the head of the monkey.
  •   Begin to attach the mouth.  I start by aligning the mouth piece on the face and sewing the top first and leaving a space big enough to stuff the mouth. 
  • Once stuffed, sew the mouth completely on.
  • Now attach the stuffed arms and tail.
  • Add eyes by sewing them or putting on buttons. 
  • You are finished! 
I also made some clothes for my kids monkey's.  I will add instructions on that in my next blog entry.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the sock monkeys, Ann! Love the step-by-step tutorial and all the pictures!
